Xbox emulation

I was asked to write a Windows driver that emulates an xBox device. I’ve noticed that xBox devices belong to “Microsoft Common Controller For Windows Class” but I can’t find information about this class of devices.
Any information will be welcomed.

Thanks wrote:

I was asked to write a Windows driver that emulates an xBox device. I’ve noticed that xBox devices belong to “Microsoft Common Controller For Windows Class” but I can’t find information about this class of devices.
Any information will be welcomed.

xBox devices don’t appear in that class, but xBox controllers do. Are
you saying you want to create a driver that simulates an xBox
controller? It’s hard to think of a reason why you would do that, other
than for cheating.

There is no documentation. It’s Microsoft proprietary. What do you
need that can’t be done just as well with a generic joystick? Those are
not hard to emulate.

There are underground third parties who have created xBox controller
drivers (XBCD). They might be able to help you.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

OK, I certainly not trying to cheat. I mixed the device (e.g the box itself?) with the controller (USB Joystick-like thing?).
I was told that “modern games having less support for general joystick devices and increasingly leans towards the use of XBox controllers”. Assuming this is a valid statement, I understand that these games do not look for generic HID devices (=joystick) but for something else.

Another hint I get is that these games communicate through XInput (rather than DirectInput). So, I assume that the driver has to be not only of the correct Class but also respond to XInput enumeration (XInputGetState()).

Where do I go from here.

the xbox controller does its own version of force feedback.

Mark Roddy

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 3:32 PM, Tim Roberts wrote:

> wrote:
> > I was asked to write a Windows driver that emulates an xBox device. I’ve
> noticed that xBox devices belong to “Microsoft Common Controller For
> Windows Class” but I can’t find information about this class of devices.
> > Any information will be welcomed.
> xBox devices don’t appear in that class, but xBox controllers do. Are
> you saying you want to create a driver that simulates an xBox
> controller? It’s hard to think of a reason why you would do that, other
> than for cheating.
> There is no documentation. It’s Microsoft proprietary. What do you
> need that can’t be done just as well with a generic joystick? Those are
> not hard to emulate.
> There are underground third parties who have created xBox controller
> drivers (XBCD). They might be able to help you.
> –
> Tim Roberts,
> Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.
> —
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Force Feedback was of course my next question. I still unable to determine whether xBox controller are seen as HID devices, do they have a particular HID Report and how they are enumerated by XInput.