I am trying to analyze the amount of duration for which my driver’s ISR executes using WPA.
I wanted to generate a predictable number of interrupts to my driver so that i can easily correlate the WPA data. Hence i configured my test application to generate only 3 interrupts during the test. I ran the test and collected WPA data.
I confirmed from debug view logs that my driver’s ISR has been invoked only for 3 times.
However when i examine the data in ISR Duration by module for WDF01000.sys (mine is a WDF based driver by the way) i am seeing that there are a total of 9 FRAGMENTS in the data.
What exactly are these fragments? are they merely the ISR invocactions or instances at which the driver has run at DIRQL level?
If the number of fragments should be equal to the number of times my driver’s ISR has run then why am i seeing 9 fragments when only 3 interrupts were generated?
By fragments, i meant Data points in the view ports.
Have you turned on the wpa flags to decode kmdf isr and doc callbacks? Otherwise you will get the framework function which is shared across all kmdf drivers. The 9 entries could easily be other kmdf drivers if the flag is not on
Bent from my phone
From: xxxxx@gmail.commailto:xxxxx
Sent: ?10/?16/?2014 7:05 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest Listmailto:xxxxx
Subject: RE:[ntdev] WPA analysis ISR/DPC duration: What are the number of fragments?
By fragments, i meant Data points in the view ports.
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