Windows support for two touch devices running at the same time?

I have a custom driver that produces touch input, in addition to the actual touch-enabled hardware’s driver. Can they generate touch inputs at the same time?

Sorry for the lack of details. I’ve tried using them both at the same time, but only one or the other could generate touch input at a time. Does Windows only accept touch input from one touch device at a time? If so, I’m wondering if there’s a way around this through maybe modifying the custom driver or creating a new one so that both could be used at the simultaneously?

The short answer is “I’m not sure, but I would expect it to support multiple devices”

The longer answer is Windows certainly supports multiple MOUSE inputs at a time. And, unless I’m grievously mistaken, I’ve seen it support multiple track pads at a time (which are touch devices).

There are, also, different categories of track pads (“normal”, and “precision”)… and how they work is somewhat different.

These are standard HID devices you have?


Sorry for the confusion, but by “touch devices” I actually meant devices that are more like touch screens. More specifically, there are two HID-compliant touch screens, each from a different device stack (they are actually two virtual HID devices), that are trying to generate multitouch input at the same time. However, when they do try, I’ve observed that only one of them is able to generate multitouch input. I was wondering if it’s the case that Windows only allows one multitouch device to generate touch input at a time, or if there’s just something wrong with my drivers.


I’m told that this should work fine in applications that are listening to touch events.

For applications that don’t listen to touch events, Windows pumps them touch data as mouse events. In that case some of the gestures that get converted to mouse events can only be sent in response to one screen, because there’s only one mouse pointer.

The best available test for how your touch data is working that I was given is to open Paint, resize it across the two screens, and see what data it’s receiving. Paint listens for touch events.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 8:13 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE:[ntdev] Windows support for two touch devices running at the same time?

Sorry for the confusion, but by “touch devices” I actually meant devices that are more like touch screens. More specifically, there are two HID-compliant touch screens, each from a different device stack (they are actually two virtual HID devices), that are trying to generate multitouch input at the same time. However, when they do try, I’ve observed that only one of them is able to generate multitouch input. I was wondering if it’s the case that Windows only allows one multitouch device to generate touch input at a time, or if there’s just something wrong with my drivers.


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Thank you very much, that’s very helpful. However, I was hoping that this would work for one screen only (both virtual multitouch devices produce touch input on one screen at the same time). Based on your response, I think that’s impossible for now. Please let me know if you think otherwise?
