Windows Express Native Control Mode

Hi all,

I have a question regarding Native Express Control Mode. This is really a
hardware/Windows question but I thought I’d see if there was expertise here that
could lend some insight.

When in Express mode, does Windows support PCIX-to-PCIe bridges? In legacy mode
Windows supports these without problem.

To clarify, we have a system with an Express root complex and Native Control mode
enabled. The system has an Express to PCI-X bridge with the downstream bus
operating in Mode 2. Windows is happy with this. Attached to the PCI-X bus is a
PCIX-2-PCIe bridge with an express endpoint behind it. Windows reports an error
on that bridge and does not show the endpoint even though the hardware is visible
to diagnostic software. Extended configuration space is available throughout.

I am simulating these configurations in hardware to determine what Windows will
support. Will these bridges be supported at all? If so, what does Windows look
for to disqualify them?

Craig Jones

Have you seen Allen Marshall’s excellent presentation from WinHEC 06 on native PCIe?

In case you haven’t:


Note that there was, at least one time, a support alias for question like yours:

I don’t know if this alias still exists, but you might give it a shot.
