I am unable to create a crash dump on my system running Windows 7 Embedded (standard). THis issue started appearing some time back. Nothing was changed
on the system but suddently the crash dump file stopped getting created.
I verified that location of crash dump is proper.
The value of “Dump file” field in “Startup and Recover” page is “%systemroot%\MEMORY.DMP”.
I have a 4 GB RAM installed on my system.
My C:\ drive has 31.7 GB free space out of the total 80 GB space.
I increased total paging file size to 4842 MB.Still no crash dump created in "C:\WIndows" folder.
I do see that “Windows” folder’s “date modified” field is showing the at which i was running my tests. IS it
possible that the crash dump got created in some other folder rather than C:\Windows?