Windows 2000: associating drive letters to physical drives


How do I associate drive letters and mount points to the PhysicalDriveX
they reside on.
NT has links to \Device\HarddiskX\PartitionY to determine this but Windows
2000 doesn’t.

Windows 2000 PhysicalDriveX is a link to \Device\HarddiskX\DRY and the
drive letter has \Device\HarddiskVolume1 which doesn’t tell me what
Harddisk the partition is on.



I was notified that the IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS can determine
the PhysicalDisk# given a volume handle.
The IOCTL works great!

It works with Volume{GUID} or \.\driveletter: handle names

Thanks a lot
