according to following link provided by MSDN to make windows 10 build environment. i installed following resources,
1.Windows 10 pro insider preview 32 bit OS–below is the iso file i downloaded from msdn and installed
“Windows10_InsiderPreview_x32_EN-US_10074.iso” file
2.Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 RC.
3.Windows Driver Kit (WDK) for Windows 10
below are the steps provided by msdn to Converting an existing driver project to a Universal Windows driver project
1.In Visual Studio 2015 RC, open the existing driver project.
2.In the Solution Explorer pane, right-click the solution and choose Configuration Manager. Set the target operating system to Windows 10 Insider Preview.
3.Right-click the driver project and choose Properties. Under Configuration Properties->Driver, verify that Target Platform is set to Universal. Other choices include Desktop, to build a driver that runs on Windows 10 Insider Preview for desktop editions only, and Mobile, to build a driver that runs on Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview only.
4.Build the driver. You might see linker errors.
5.Fix the errors one by one by going through the error log. Refer to individual reference pages in the documentation for possible alternate APIs. If replacements are not available, you may need to redesign your driver.
but in our case (step 3) Under Configuration Properties->Driver there is no such a Target platform to set it to Universal.
Is anything else to install? help needed.
thank you