WinDbg, rdmsr unable to read CPU 32

I have a system with 2 physical processors, 18 cores each with Hyper Thread enabled totaling up to 72 logical Processors. I have my tool and I can write MSR to P0-P31 and can read from WinDbg/rdmsr and things match up.

However when I write to the 32nd processor WinDbg/rdmsr does not read it. FYI Windows divides up the processors to Group and in my case Group0 has 36 processors. So when I write to 32nd processor I am still in Gr0. My guess is WinDbg/rdmsr has 32 processor limit and I need to overcome it. The point is when I do ~32 the command changes affinity to 32. So we are running on the 32nd processor but not on the one which I think is 32. Question is how to make rdmsr cross the 32 proc boundary? Any options, settings