Which resource should I acquire for AcquireForCreateSection?

Hi, I’m developing an isolation filter.
I try to build my own resource acquired algorithm, but I do know which resource should I require for AcquireForCreateSection, I have read the fastfat source but found nothing about this kind of request.
Any help will be much appreciated!

> I try to build my own resource acquired algorithm, but I do know which

resource should I require for AcquireForCreateSection

Any help will be much appreciated!

Nor do we. We have no ideas what data structures you might want to protect
during creation of a section. It is usual to disallow size change during
section create but that is something for an FSD to worry about. But you
might want to do that as well. Or instead.

I don’t quite understand, where can I find some reference or source code about this routine?
Thanks for your help!