WaveRT Event-Driven Notification Mode


I’m pretty much lost on this. I can’t find any reference or even brief mention of it on MSDN (PortClass, WaveRT) or the sample drivers (ac97) - the only sample that implements something like it (SYSVAD) uses win8-specific event functions (and also uses a virtual audio device with WaveRT, to make things interesting), and since this has been available (and implemented) at least (somewhat) since vista, I imagine this isn’t it.

Many thanks in advance for any information regarding this, and sorry if it’s somewhere in plain sight - I’ve been lurking for a few days on this and can’t find anything.


…don’t know how I missed this, but:

…sorry :frowning:


Now that I think about it, I can’t see a reference to this interface here:
Actually, the only reference to it that I found on MSDN is the navigation tree on the left. Didn’t see that in the design guide, the WaveRT overview… nowhere, basically.

I already forwarded some feedback to MS about this, but I’m still feeling that this must not be the only time this question has been asked. Can somebody illuminate me on the history of this issue or anything relevant, if present? :slight_smile:
