W2000 Checked Build Crash during Setup on Intel A15 ChipSet-based Motherboard

I just received Dell 4100 series system w/ 256 M RAM that is based on
Intell’s the latest A15 chip set. When I installed Win2000, after Win2000
started to run, I needed to install some drivers for the chip set (I think)
to eliminate an error in the NT event log.

Win 2000 installed and running w/o a problem. But when I tried to install
Win2000 checked buuild, after the re-boot, the setup continues. the system
loads the drivers and starts loading Win2000. Right there the system
receives BSOD. the BSOD is:
STOP: 0x0000001E

My question is did anyone experience with loading checked build of Win2000?
Are there any remedies? Are there any ways to install HAL-like drivers to
resolve this problem during W2K Load. Again, the chip set is the latest by
Intel A15 (uses P133 SDRAM).

Thanks for any input,
