vcomm strange behavior

Hi all!

I faced strange problem today. I have vcomm port driver for 98 (it manages

virtual serial ports), and I had the following problem - when my portdriver is

loaded (when some app openes virtual serial port) vcomm redirects ALL open

requests to my driver -=8-() For example, COM3 is virtual port, COM1 is “real”

port. Some app openes COM3, and then another app openes COM1 - and my port

driver is called at its PortOpen entrypoint for COM1 (DriverControl doesnt even

get called before that!)… When my driver is not loaded, opening COM1 directs

to serial.vxd as usual…

After detailed comparasion of inf files and sources of my portdriver and

assembly sources of serial.vxd I found that the source of problem was my

DriverControl: in my DriverControl I just passed pszPortName parameter to

_VCOMM_Add_Port, but it is necessery to ALLOCATE OWN BUFFER for portname, copy

pszPortName parameter, and pass it to _VCOMM_Add_Port…

Well thats all…

Just in case somebody is interested in the topic :slight_smile:


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