Is there an upper limit on the number of connections (MaxConnections)
parameter to FltCreateCommunicationPort ? Is there an upper limit based on
best-practices / thumb rules etc ? MSDN says it should be greater than 0.
Is there an upper limit on the number of connections (MaxConnections)
parameter to FltCreateCommunicationPort ? Is there an upper limit based on
best-practices / thumb rules etc ? MSDN says it should be greater than 0.
There are a few ways you could figure this out. First, just test various
values until something doesn’t work. Or, you could easily disassemble the
code to see what checks it does. Just quickly looking at it, it seems to
only check if the value is greater than 0.
mov r13d, [rsp+78h+arg_38]
test r13d, r13d
jg short loc_41B50
mov edi, 0C000000Dh
mov [rax-24h], edi
jmp loc_41CB4
But the magic number is really specific to your requirements. How many
connections do you really expect?
On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 4:51 PM, Arun M. Krishnakumar
> Hi,
> Is there an upper limit on the number of connections (MaxConnections)
> parameter to FltCreateCommunicationPort ? Is there an upper limit based on
> best-practices / thumb rules etc ? MSDN says it should be greater than 0.
> Thanks,
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