On Win2000 what changes are needed (to the inf file) to ensure that a newly
supplied driver will be chosen over a previously installed (but less
recent) driver when the user chooses to “Update Driver…” followed by
“Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended)” and “Specify a
I’ve updated the inf’s DriverVer entry in both the [Version] and
[DDInstall] sections (so the new driver should appear to be more recent)
but Win2k still insists that “A suitable driver is already installed…”,
even though its DriverVer entry indicates that it is less recent. In other
words, Win2000 does not choose the newly supplied driver (in a different
location) over the previously installed driver.
The driver is unsigned if that makes a difference. (I notice the knowledge
base has this to say…
When the operating system searches for drivers, it chooses a driver with a
more recent DriverVer date over a driver with an earlier date. If an INF
has no DriverVer entry or is unsigned, the operating system applies the
default date of 00/00/0000.
…though I’m sure I’ve seen unsigned drivers upgrade just fine so nagging
doubts remain that this should work with unsigned drivers.)
Okay, there are two obvious ways around this…suggest that the user choose
the “Display a list of the known drivers…” option followed by “Have
Disk…” followed by “Browse…” to so force the location containing the
new driver to be the only one searched, Or suggest that the user ensure
that the newly supplied driver resides in the location from which the
original version of the driver was installed.
I’m sure I’m missing something really obvious. I guess I’m looing for
explanations as to why changing DriverVer doesn’t have the desired effect.