Hello Gurus,
I was wondering if there is a way user can influence the priority and flags
Best regards,
Hello Gurus,
I was wondering if there is a way user can influence the priority and flags
Best regards,
What you mean is… Can users influence the priority and characteristics of I/O requests, right?
The answer is: Certainly. Some of those characteristics are inherent in the action take by the requesting program, others by options set based on flags set when the handle is opened.
Thanks Peter. That’s exactly what I was looking for. So, we could influence
purely by CreateFile parameters?
On a side note, how does the Hypervisor influence these options?
Best regards
On Monday, September 29, 2014, wrote:
> What you mean is… Can users influence the priority and characteristics
> of I/O requests, right?
> The answer is: Certainly. Some of those characteristics are inherent in
> the action take by the requesting program, others by options set based on
> flags set when the handle is opened.
> Peter
> @OSRDrivers
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Well, there are several parameters. If by “purely” you mean “exclusively”, then no… not necessarily.
I have no idea, sorry.
Glad I could help.