socket() fail when run on myself filesystem


I have a puzzle?

I run a application program on the filesystem developed by us.

the program call socket() to create socket, and it get errno 10022.

the reason is that NtCreateFile(/device/afd/endpoint, …) return STATUS_NOT_FOUND.

the program work fine on C: and the folder shared with our filesystem.


> Hi?

I have a puzzle?

I run a application program on the filesystem developed by us.

the program call socket() to create socket, and it get errno 10022.

These errors are defined in the MESSAGETABLE resource in the user DLL for
sockets. They are also documented in books on network programming. So
you need to specify the DLL in the FormatMessage. See

You can also look in the header file. WASEINVAL is the error, and it
means that an argument was invalid. Therefore, in the absence of showing
any code, and since PTP (Psychic Transfer Protocol) is not available on my
machine, it is impossible to tell you why you are getting this error.

You must also show the code that you expect to succeed, and show what the
values are in all instances.

the reason is that NtCreateFile(/device/afd/endpoint, …) return

the program work fine on C: and the folder shared with our filesystem.


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