> Still struggling to get your Thorazine levels properly adjusted I see, Mr. Bassov…
Intrigued by the above statement, I decided to Google a bit. This is what I found:
Chlorpromazine (CPZ) ? marketed, as chlorpromazine hydrochloride, in the United States as Thorazine and elsewhere as Largactil and Megaphen ? is a dopamine antagonist of the typical anti-psychotic class of medications possessing additional anti-adrenergic, anti-serotonergic, anti-cholinergic and anti-histaminergic properties used to treat schizophrenia.
How come that you are so well-informed about anti-psychotic medications, Peter? To be honest, I would normally expect THIS level of knowledge only either from a doctor or from a patient, and I cannot immediately recall you ever telling us about your degree in psychiatry…
Ah, that CAN be tough. May I suggest you increase your dosage just a bit.
Are you judging it from a first-hand experience or is it just a professional advice? Again,
I cannot immediately recall you ever telling us about being a psychiatry practitioner, but it does not mean anything anyway - after all, I might well have been just too busy attacking
MSFT/Windows/some"kernel-would-be-guru"/etc to notice this info…
As one of my co-workers is fond of saying: “Try being NICE. You might LIKE it.”
Unless we assume that you are affected by synesthesia, I just wonder how someone can say something in capitals. Does he/she/it actually say it or just sticks the posters on the walls all over the place?
In any case, I tried hard enough to follow the above mentioned advice on this thread - so hard that even provided the OP with a schematic code that he can use. The only thing that I am still unable to understand (I must be just too thick) is why the OP needs any external assistance with something as basic and obvious as a solution to his original problem.I think that typing in his original question took him more time than he would have otherwise spent typing the code had he “turned his brains on”, instead of crying “Mommy…Daddy…please help…”
Anton Bassov