SCSI mini-ports ...

Oh boy, here’s a good one …

I’m working on the SCSI mini-port for my 2000 driver stack, and realized
yesterday that to get the slot number of the card, and that I had to scan
the PCI bus, somewhat differently than I did with the NT 4 version. So, I
spent most of the day setting breakpoints, stepping through code, installing
the drivers, modifying the FindAdapter routine, and adjusting the INF file
until finally the drivers installed, found the slot and successfully
completed FindAdapter. Voila! Lets go home! This morning I realize that in
the process of doing all of that I had 2 service entries in the registry
that was causing the mini-ports DriverEntry to be called twice; once for
FgScsi and once for FibreGearSCSI. So I commenced to tiptoe through the
system deleting the sys files and removing both manually from the registry.

Okie-dokie, that done I rebooted a few times to make sure the registry had
settled down and then ran the hardware wizard and did what I thought was
clean install. Another reboot and saw ScsiPortInitialize return
STATUS_SUCCESS (oh joy!), but that FindAdapter was now never called (on
no!!). Now that one I have not seen. What I expected was FindAdapter called
and a status of C0000018 returned. My tip toeing through the registry must
have trod on some roses that shouldn’t have been trod upon. Oh well, install

Gary G. Little
Staff Engineer
Broadband Storage, Inc.

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> yesterday that to get the slot number of the card, and that I had to scan

the PCI bus, somewhat differently than I did with the NT 4 version. So, I
spent most of the day setting breakpoints, stepping through code,
the drivers, modifying the FindAdapter routine, and adjusting the INF file

Am I wrong that in w2k you must not scan the PCI bus at all, that PnP will
do this for you and will call HwFindAdapter only for already found adapters?


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If you are going to set the slot number in the configuration structure, you
have to scan the bus using the ScsiPortGetBusData functions. At least there
is no other way I have found to acquire that piece of information.

However, I am strongly suspecting that my problem is related to the file
names I am using and I am very suspicious that it may be something like an
8.3 problem. The same INF files using a 6 character service name were
working fine. When I went to a service name with 12 characters, things quit
working. Monday morning I’ll test with a service name less than 8
characters. From the docs that makes since, given that ScsiPortInitialize is
returning STATUS_SUCCESS but the find adapter function never gets called.
The docs indi8cate, by inference, that this happens if it cannot find a
service for the HBA.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Maxim S. Shatskih
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 9:11 AM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Re: SCSI mini-ports …

yesterday that to get the slot number of the card, and that I had to scan
the PCI bus, somewhat differently than I did with the NT 4 version. So, I
spent most of the day setting breakpoints, stepping through code,
the drivers, modifying the FindAdapter routine, and adjusting the INF file

Am I wrong that in w2k you must not scan the PCI bus at all, that PnP will
do this for you and will call HwFindAdapter only for already found adapters?


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Yes sure but ‘must not’ is a little strong, and perhaps ‘should not’ would
be better. However, slot information may be essential for FRU maintenance
and it is very frustrating that Microsoft considers this type of information
‘deprecated’. The stock answer to this question is that you don’t need to
know that. The reality is that this information may be essential to field

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Maxim S. Shatskih
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 12:11 PM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Re: SCSI mini-ports …

yesterday that to get the slot number of the card, and that I had to
scan the PCI bus, somewhat differently than I did with the NT 4
version. So, I spent most of the day setting breakpoints, stepping
through code,
the drivers, modifying the FindAdapter routine, and adjusting the INF

Am I wrong that in w2k you must not scan the PCI bus at all, that PnP will
do this for you and will call HwFindAdapter only for already found adapters?


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And thus far the SCSI mini-port code I have studied for Win2K does just that
… establish themselves as a PnP mini-port and then scan the bus to load
the slot information in to the config structure in the FindAdapter function.

Gary G. Little
Staff Engineer
Broadband Storage, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Roddy, Mark []
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 10:29 AM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Re: SCSI mini-ports …

Yes sure but ‘must not’ is a little strong, and perhaps ‘should not’ would
be better. However, slot information may be essential for FRU maintenance
and it is very frustrating that Microsoft considers this type of information
‘deprecated’. The stock answer to this question is that you don’t need to
know that. The reality is that this information may be essential to field

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Maxim S. Shatskih
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 12:11 PM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Re: SCSI mini-ports …

yesterday that to get the slot number of the card, and that I had to
scan the PCI bus, somewhat differently than I did with the NT 4
version. So, I spent most of the day setting breakpoints, stepping
through code,
the drivers, modifying the FindAdapter routine, and adjusting the INF

Am I wrong that in w2k you must not scan the PCI bus at all, that PnP will
do this for you and will call HwFindAdapter only for already found adapters?


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