Running parrallel port sample driver

I am reading the book “The Windows 2000 Device Driver Book” by Art Baker and Jerry Lozano. I want to run PPort parallel driver sample from chapter 8. Loopback Connector is connected to the port as described in the book.
Driver code contains ClaimHardware function called from DriverEntry. It looks like this:

NTSTATUS ClaimHardware( PDRIVER_OBJECT pDriverObj,
ULONG portBase,
ULONG portSpan,
DbgPrint(“ClaimHardware srarts. portBase = 0x%X portSpan = 0x%x Irq = 0x%x”,
portBase, portSpan, Irq);
// prepare list of descriptors for IoReportDetectedDevice …

status = IoReportDetectedDevice(…);
DbgPrint(“IoReportDetectedDevice returned 0x%X”, status);
return status;

Debug output is:
ClaimHardware srarts. portBase = 0x378 portSpan = 0x4 Irq = 0x7
IoReportDetectedDevice returned 0xC000000E

DriverEntry returns 0xC000000E and driver cannot be loaded. Client program reports GetLastError = 20 (The system cannot find the device specified).
Computer BIOS settings:
Parallel port 378
Port Mode Normal

Program comments: “This call will fail if another driver (such as the standard parallel driver(s)) already control the hardware”. I try to disable existing parallel port driver, without success. Operating system is Windows XP Professional.
In the Device manager I tried:

  1. To disable LPT1 port (port is marked as disabled)
  2. To uninstall existing port driver - LPT1 port is removed from Device Manager list, but installed again after reboot.
    However, PPort driver doesn’t start in any case. What should I do to start this driver? Possibly ClainHardware code is wrong, I can post it also.
    Thanks for reading this question, I really don’t know how to describe this shortly :slight_smile:

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