Resetting IoReleaseRemoveLockAndWait

I have a need for something where the remove locks will work nicely. However, I need to reset it at some pointer after calling IoReleaseRemoveLockAndWait so that it starts working again. Is that safely done by simply Initializing it with IoInitializeRemoveLock again?



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Sent: 2/11/2012 10:38 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Resetting IoReleaseRemoveLockAndWait

I have a need for something where the remove locks will work nicely. However, I need to reset it at some pointer after calling IoReleaseRemoveLockAndWait so that it starts working again. Is that safely done by simply Initializing it with IoInitializeRemoveLock again?

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Verifier doesn’t like it, even though what it doesn’t like is fine in this case. I may have to roll my own anyway since I need to build for NT4 and I don’t think it has the remove locks? It shouldn’t be too hard, just wondering what I should use to wait? An event, or KeStallExecutionThread and just loop. The place it would wait is in a ioctl from user mode that is hardly every called and all waiting ought to be done within a second.