Remote Access Service (RAS)

hi all,
The following is the Scenerio.

1> I have a NDIS WAN Miniport driver.This Driver uses Winows PPP in order
to establish connection
with a Wireless Server that runs a properitory PPP.

2> I have a GUI that uses RAS Api Function calls to initiate and establish
the connection.

I establish connection using RASDail function.I rarely observe a problem
that pops up a message box saying “Port is already open”.After this i have
to restart the system and I am able to connect normally.

Any suggestions are appriciated
Thanks in advance


> I establish connection using RASDail function.I rarely observe a problem

that pops up a message box saying “Port is already open”.After this i have
to restart the system and I am able to connect normally.

What is with your Disconnect/hangup Logic ? The port is only avail
after the line ist disconnected (OID_TAPI_LINE_DROP) and the line is
