RE:REPARSE fail across network share

Hi All,
I search this forum, someone already post this problem but there is no
answer. May be some one has resulted this issue. Please post the answer for
us. The problem is reparse point works on the system that created the
reparse point file. That means if application opens that reparse point file;
fs driver will return the redirected file path to the I/O manager. I/O
manager will open the redirected file. However if it opens the reparse point
from the network share, it will get the “access fail” message. When I print
out the message from the driver, driver has received the reparse point
message and return the redirected file correctly to the I/O manager. I need
to know:

  1. What is the different open file from local system and from remote share?
  2. Why the I/O manager knows the open is comme from local or remote?
  3. Any solution to this problem.

Thank you for any help.
