I’d also at that at least for me, I was very surprised/pleased to discover
how well it works (at least for basic stuff, which is all I need). I had
avoided trying it mostly because a description of it sounded horrible to me
- xml + MSI et c.
Retrospectively, I have to say I was being quite narrow.
On Sep 24, 2014 4:43 PM, “Marion Bond” wrote:
> IMHO WIX is one of the best toolkits ever. It does take effort to
> learn, but for enterprise deployments, MSI / MSP is essential and anyone
> who has manually authored an MSI appreciates the value of WIX.
> Sent from Surface Pro
> From: Bruce Cran
> Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 2:43 PM
> To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
> On 9/24/2014 10:21 AM, Tim Roberts wrote:
> > I did try to climb aboard that bandwagon. I actually ported one of my
> > installers to WiX and got it mostly working. It just seemed a lot more
> > opaque. I recognize that is an unfair snap judgment based on my
> > inexperience, and if NSIS exploded tomorrow, I’d jump right on WiX.
> It is opaque, and that to me is one of the main advantages. For
> example Windows Installer will handle moving the installation directory
> if a user chooses a different one during a modify/upgrade scenario -
> testing the latest NSIS installer, it forgets about that and instead
> orphans the old installation. The main problem with Windows Installer
> is that it’s almost entirely a new system to learn (install sequences,
> component rules etc.), whereas NSIS is familiar to most people who have
> done Windows programming and a bit of scripting.
> –
> Bruce
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