Re: [ntdev] Windows kernel code page alignment

xxxxx@hotmail.commailto:xxxxx wrote:

That would just be a gigantic waste of critical resources.

What would happens if the code belongs to a paged section and the particular page that was allocated for one instruction happens to be paged out ? The result would be hundred or thousand of instructions being executed to satisfy just one instruction. That is not optimization.

Look, you are simply not thinking about this logically. There is no optimization possible here. If a function is 4095 bytes long, then BY DEFINITION it is going to span two pages. You can’t fix it. The location of the split depends on where the function happens to start, but you can’t avoid the break. It’s impossible.

Tim Roberts, xxxxx@probo.commailto:xxxxx
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.</mailto:xxxxx></mailto:xxxxx>