What OS are you using? There are significant differences in the implementation between versions
IMHO the shared events paradigm is obsolete, but it can work fine providing that you account for the fact that calls to SetEvent can be ‘coalesced’ and may not correspond 1-1 with returns from WFSO / WFMO in UM
Sent from Surface Pro
From: xxxxx@gmail.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 9:12 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Hi Mark. Thanks for your reply.
No, not DPC delay - I understand the difference. I am measuring only the amount of time that the call to KeSetevent() is taking once in the DPC. Is there a way to at least profile why the system is taking up to 600uS to acquire the dispatcher lock? If I can identify the cause, perhaps I can at least provide a workaround. A delay of 200uS is acceptable, but 600+ is problematic for us.
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