I will suggest that you look at two parts of your problem:
Is the data grid data bound? If so, most likely your issue is with processing the updates. Look at coalescing them via disabling the automatic updates thru the binding source
If you have not already, evaluate owner drawn controls. You can drive dramatic performance if you avoid the pedantic sub contracting that happens with standard drawing
Sent from Surface Pro
From: xxxxx@gmail.com
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 3:38 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Hi , Roberts ,
Underlying requirement is display real time grid with many columns , rows at high FPS . Not benchmark itself . My boss says bottleneck comes from display driver or system , because GDI not accelerated enough in Windows 7 , as compare to directx . How to understand GDI performance limitation vs WM_PAINT process speed , etc ?
May be benchmark not right approach . Really want to know , best way to achieve high FPS grid ? Or which technology to use ? GDI, OGL, directX, direct2D, Qt ?
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