When you do get your hardware, how you handle it will be entirely different from how you handle a keyboard or a serial port, so researching these devices or how their drivers work won’t help you.
For general reading on interrupts and how Windows drivers handle them MSDN and Google are your friends.
Sent from Surface Pro
From: Tim Roberts
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 1:11 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
xxxxx@yahoo.com.vn wrote:
I just want to know about IRQ more, the printing or fan speed is just sample, i got some devices that is connect to SuperI/O chip and send out IRQ over Serial IRQ. I dont have the devices here yet so i dont know which IRQ is sent. So as i understand, it is not possible to ,take example, read the whole IRQ 0-15 status ?
No. You are asking the wrong questions. There is no way to “read” IRQ
information. It is not stored. An IRQ is a pulse. When an IRQ is
fired, the processor responds by starting an interrupt handler. The
interrupt handler does whatever needs to be done to process the
interrupt and continues.
What you WANT is to be able to handle the input from a serial port. The
existing serial APIs do all of that, by talking to the existing serial
port drivers, which already know how to handle the interrupts. They
handle the interrupts by fetching any pending data and holding it in a
buffer until an application asks for it.
So, your application just needs to use ReadFile. The serial port driver
will handle the hardware and send you the data you need.
Tim Roberts, xxxxx@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.
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