Re: [ntdev] Pre-pair a bluetooth device?

Not to be dismissive, but don’t you think that you will get more mileage in terms or working with more 3rd party platforms if you change your firmware to be more standard?

You may have a solution for *nix platforms now, but it is surely a workaround. Rather than creating another workaround, wouldn’t it make more sense to remove the problem that affects all platforms except whatever custom one your device was intended for?

I may be glossing over huge issues on your side and you may reasonably conclude that at least searching for workarounds is a justifiable use of time, but realize that at best you will be able to deliver a kludge for Windows and I suspect nothing at all

Sent from Surface Pro

Sent: ‎Wednesday‎, ‎November‎ ‎19‎, ‎2014 ‎10‎:‎46‎ ‎AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List

Thank you Alex,
I appreciate your suggestions.

The device is at it is (and already selling for years), but was not designed to work with 3rd party platforms (ie Windows, mac, linux…).
New project requires Windows pairing (we already have a solution for Mac and Linux).
So any help regarding my original question is greatly appreciated.

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