I still have a hard time seeing how having my fridge hooked into the internet is really a good idea
The internet of things does sound like fun, but even cheap things need to be paid for by someone.
Sent from Surface Pro
From: Prokash Sinha
Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2015 1:05 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
it is welcoming news that WDF is going to be open source! Windows
phone ( via Nokia ) is still a question! A question is when it is
going to die ? Sorry !
For embedded world, specifically for IoT, I have no idea what MS has
under their sleeves. In every house hold, there are way too many
devices, for way too many people willing to have IoT features. So it
is clear that IoT is going to be pervasive.
Two camps: Linux and FreeBsd does have their moves here. Linux quite
popular in the embedded are ( because of wide processor support).
Freebsd for its stability, and much more friendly licensing. Now
freebsd is trying more processor supports ( from the support of some
big companies).That is not to say that others like cisco iOS ( not the
iphone iOS), VxWorks, or Oracle or VMware or Google or Facebook, or
Tesla etc are not playing their part.
Apple does what it is best for ! Coming up with consumer devices,
that is just a beauty, but bit expensive at the start. This current
quarter, they are projecting 100 million iPhone sale !
Interesting time ahead
On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 11:49 PM, wrote:
>> ANT protocol is quite interesting. So as other wireless protocol
>>like Zigbee, Wireless HART, Bluetooth Low Energy, etc.
> Sure…
> One of the most exciting concepts here seems the one of so-called “cognitive radio” that is meant to be able to use the best wireless channel available, which implies a very tight integration of analogue components, programmable digital logic and software on the transceiver chip, as well as the growing importance of the software part. Another interesting thing is “antenna steering” that Peter had mentioned - it relies upon the concept of the adaptive change of the direction of the main lobe of a radiation pattern…
> Anton Bassov
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