The reason that the OS requires you to have a driver at all is that applications, with certain exceptions, do not access hardware in Windows. This is not DOS or another real mode OS. Good design principals preclude direct access to HW by UM applications
Design an interface that your application(s) can use to access service(s) provided by your driver. Your driver will access your hardware to provide these service(s)
Sent from Surface Pro
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2014 9:08 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Dear all
I’m writing a PCI device driver. there are many registers in BAR0, have been mapped into driver in preparehardware routine. These registers often need to be access by application. if there is any method to share these registers into user mode?
I tried to use the following routine to map kernel memory to user mode. but register values are always 0xff
MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache(devExt->PMdlRegsBase, // MDL
UserMode, // Mode
MmCached, // Caching
NULL, // Address
FALSE, // Bugcheck?
NormalPagePriority); // Priority
If there is any method to let user mode access?
thank you very much
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