Re: [ntdev]Compile bulkusb sample in WinME

Hi! james

You could find usbdlib.h in the following directory
C:\98ddk\inc\win98 if you installed win98 ddk.

IN PVOID StartPosition,
IN LONG InterfaceNumber,
IN LONG AlternateSetting,
IN LONG InterfaceClass,
IN LONG InterfaceSubClass,
IN LONG InterfaceProtocol

USBD_ParseConfigurationDescriptorEx searches a given configuration descriptor and returns a pointer to an interface that matches the given search criteria.

go through the above, i hope, it may help you.

with regards

From: “Zhou, James”
>Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 02:42:55 -0700
>To: “NT Developers Interest List”
>Subject: [ntdev] [ntdev]Compile bulkusb sample in WinME
>Hi friends,
>I tried to compile win2k “bulkusb” sample driver in WinME but the compiler
>couldn’t find “usbdlib.h” file, which is under %DDKROOT%\ddk\dwm. But afer I
>added the path in INCLUDE statement of “winmebld.bat”, the compiler could
>resolve the external functions such as
>“USBD_ParseConfigurationDescriptorEx”. Can any body tell me what is the
>problem or WinME can not compile USB driver at all?
>thanks in advance
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