If you have everything perfectly clear, then why are you seeking our advise?
Shoes can be used to hammer nails, but often hammers work better. If you already know which is which for your problem, then why ask?
Sent from Surface Pro
From: jerry evans
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 2:31 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
It is possible to do socket I/O from the kernel. I’m not saying that’s
the RIGHT solution; as a rule, I always argue that processing should
never be in the kernel unless there is no other choice.
Indeed. I’ve already made this perfectly clear.
Either a KS property interface or an ioctl interface can be made to
work. MSVAD already handles standard audio KS properties, and you
should be able to add a custom set. I know some people who are
unfamiliar with KS end up deciding it’s easier to hook the ioctl
interface directly.
Does have 2 ‘wave’ sub devices help? I am unclear as to how this affects
exclusive mode: can a second application open the ‘wave2’ device
Wondering if simpler to have a second IOCtl driver. Have the 2 drivers share
a suitable kernel mode queue for data transfer. As per
http://www.osronline.com/article.cfm?id=177 for example.
I disagree. You were proposing to write a custom driver for audio
hardware. That’s a hell of a lot of work, and unless your requirements
truly cannot be met by an in-the-box solution, you should want to avoid
No. Absolutely not. I made this perfectly clear from the get-go.
*Virtual* audio: built on an existing (and very long standing) Microsoft
sample, adding as little kernel mode code as possible.
I’m not asking for details. I’m asking for generalities. When someone
asks about doing something unusual, it is perfectly reasonable for us to
explore whether the need really demands an unusual approach. Many
people have wasted many man-months developing delicate solutions for
problems that could have been solved much more easily.
Sorry, but no, that is simply a ‘conclusion’ based on a series of incorrect
As for suggesting loopback modes and VAC as potential ‘solutions’ well …
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