Re: Abort of IRP_WRITE operations

Ups, I meant Abort (not about).


“Fido” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
>I am copying a 500 MB file using Explorer (XP) into my FSD drive. Explore
>shows a progress dialog, with a Cancel button.
> If I click the cancel button before all the data is written into the cache
> manager, I can abort fine. But after that, when the cache manager is
> writing the data into my FSD, I can not interrupt the IRP_WRITE stream,
> when I click the Cancel button.
> I tested with FileSpy and FileMon, but it appears that no IRP comes into
> my FSD when I click the Cancel button. Or perhaps that’s is just a
> FileSpy/FileMon update issue?
> Anyway, when I click the Cancel button, is there any way to detect that in
> my FSD while the paging I/O transfer is happening?
> Regards,
> Ole Thomasen