Re[2]: Explore Request Cycle Annoying...

“AFS is my own file system” … what does this mean? Our team
implemented the AFS client on Windows and knowing that, are you using
the open source version? Just trying to understand where you are coming
from …


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------ Original Message ------
To: “Windows File Systems Devs Interest List”
Sent: 4/26/2015 11:53:12 AM
Subject: RE:[ntfsd] Explore Request Cycle Annoying…

>I am using Windows 8.1… AFS is my own file system … and that is
>installed on system…
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@Tony I think you miss interpreted something.
I am not returning large buffer that is only of required size and I am checking for buffer size.Actually 220 is the size of output buffer not the Information size.Actual Size is approx 1e.I don’t know why is filespy Showing output buffer length instead showing the Information as length.

@Peter I mean to say this is my file system. It is not “THE AFS”.May be my FS name is conflicting with other FS name…That’s why this confusion is happening … :slight_smile: