RawInput Joysticks and Calibration data?

Hi all,
Can anyone enlighten me as to how / if Joystick calibration is handled when reading Joysticks via HID / RawInput?

The HID reports seem to feature Min and Max values, but I see no way to access calibrated values (ie adjusted so they reflect what appears in the Windows Game Controllers dialog, taking into account calibration values).

Also, values are not conformed to a uniform scale - eg some axes report as 8-bit values, some as 12 etc.

For example, if you use Logitech’s DIView.exe utility - (Which uses DirectInput) - all axes report as 16-bit values and are conformed to the calibration settings, but if you enable “Raw Values” for an axis, you see the “Raw” data as RawInput reports.

I see that the calibration data is stored in the registry, but is there another way to apply these transformations, or is that the point of RawInput - that it is Raw?