question on 1394 Windbg

I am running windbg on XPSP2 machine on host machine. From host machine I was
debugging two target machine XPSP2 and W2K3 and the debugging went smoothly
for last three weeks. Yesterday i added another target machine W2K3 with PAE
enabled to debug. For third machine i started getting the following problem
and i also lost the connection to first and second target machines. I
uninstlled the WInDbg and Installed it again i still keep getting this
problem. The 1394 host controller on Target machines is disabled.

Using 1394 for debugging
Failed to open 1394 channel 10
If this is the first time KD was run, this is why this failed.
Virtual 1394 Debugger Driver Installation will now be attempted
Kernel debugger failed initialization, Win32 error 2
“The system cannot find the file specified.”


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