Hi everyone.
When I tried to build my driver using Whistler IFSKit 2410 I’ve got a
problem that I didn’t have using 2296:
A linker gave me 2 unresolved externals: InterlockedPushEntrySList and
Quick research showed that there are, in deed, no such functions in any of
the DDK’s .lib files. Further research showed that those functions are
called from
ExFreeToPagedLookasideList and ExAllocateFromPagedLookasideList, defined as
inlines in ntifs.h:
__inline VOID ExFreeToPagedLookasideList( IN PPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST
Lookaside, IN PVOID Entry )
Lookaside->L.TotalFrees += 1;
if (QueryDepthSList(&Lookaside->L.ListHead) >= Lookaside->L.Depth) {
Lookaside->L.FreeMisses += 1;
} else {
I couldn’t see any “ifdefs” around those functions (like, for example, there
were some in ExFreeToNPagedLookasideList) so I wander if this is a bug or
I’m doing something wrong or both In any case, I would appreciate any
suggestions on how I can fix the situation.
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