Porting NT FSD to Windows 2000

I’m new to NT File System Filter Driver Development. I am facing
some problem in figuring out a porting problem in a File system driver.
This driver acts as a gateway service on NT server.It works fine when we
mount some shares on Windows NT Server 4.0 and reshare them from Windows NT
workstation Clients.

When we install this on Windows 2000 Server( Member server), Mount some
and reshare them through Window NT 4.0 Workstation Clients, After few file
operations on NT Clients, Remote connection to the server is lost. After
this we will not be able to access the Windows 2000 server from any other
Client. But we can ping to it.

The following event log in the Windows 2000 server.
Event ID: 2022
Source: SRV
Type: Error
Description: The server was unable to find a free connection
times in the last seconds.

I tried after Changing the entries " MaxFreeconnection to 8" ,
“MaxWorkItem to 512” and set the autodisconnect to highest possible value
in HKLC\System\CurrentcontrolSet\Services\Lanmanserver\Parameters, thinking
that it is a configuration problem. But the problem persists.

Could this be FSD porting problem?.If so could somebody give me some
guidelines/help on porting my FSD to W2k to solve the above problem?.
