pci resources on w2k


Can somebody explain me under what circumstances can Win2k rebalance PCI

I know the article:
But I couldn’t figure out what “generally” means in this sentence:

“Note that Windows 2000 does not have the ability to rebalance resources as
does Microsoft Windows 98. Once PCI resources are set, they generally cannot
be changed.”

Thanks a lot,

Currently, Win2K can rebalance resources on a single bus segment only, and
cannot reconfigure PCI-to-PCI bridges (including cardbus controllers)
dynamically. The system assigns all the resources required by the devices
behind a PCI-to-PCI bridge to the bridge so that it can pass the resources
to its child devices. These resources assigned to the bridges are static.
That is, after a bridge has resources assigned to it and is started, it
cannot be stopped (to accommodate a new hot-plugged in device) and given
different resources, even if the system as a whole has enough resources to
support all devices on all bus segments. The ability to do resource
balancing of PCI-to-PCI bridges dynamically is called “multi-level
rebalancing”. Hopefully, future versions of Win2K will support this feature.


-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@nokia.com [mailto:xxxxx@nokia.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2000 3:10 AM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] pci resources on w2k


Can somebody explain me under what circumstances can Win2k rebalance PCI
I know the article:
http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q252/4/20.ASP But I
couldn’t figure out what “generally” means in this sentence:
“Note that Windows 2000 does not have the ability to rebalance resources as
does Microsoft Windows 98. Once PCI resources are set, they generally cannot
be changed.”
Thanks a lot,

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