Password/Data Recovery

I have a dead Win2k system, I can access the
partitions of that system, is there any way I can
recover the password (freeware tools).

I have a folder on another system which is encrypted
and the encryption certificate is lost can I recover
the contents.


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try it with l0phtcrack. there’s a 15 day trial under
i think it can use also the backup copy of the “sam” file. so you have just
to copy the backup (normally in “\repair\sam_”) and put it on a
running nt in thouse repair directory . now you can use lc on thouse machine
and get the passwords of the locked.


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On Wednesday, May 02, 2001 4:09 PM ““kudrt si” ”

>I have a dead Win2k system, I can access the partitions of that system,
>is there any way I can recover the password (freeware tools).

Dunno what you mean by “recovering passwords”, but with some effort you
turn your system bootable again and do whatever you need to: try
Partition Magic…

Miguel Monteiro
«Humour and love are God’s answers
to Human weaknesses»

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i think it can use also the backup copy of the “sam” file. so you have
to copy the backup (normally in “\repair\sam_”) and put it on a
> running nt in thouse repair directory . now you can use lc on thouse
> and get the passwords of the locked.

Geez…that’s kind of scary.

Thomas “Rick” Tewell
Ligos Corporation

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