
I some how reproduced the PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA error at my

place. During the rename operation of a file or a file stream this

error occurs.

In my code there is a line ,

RtlCopyMemory( &FileObject->FileName.Buffer[0],


FileObject->FileName.Length + sizeof


Just for randomly trying out something i just changeed the sizeof

(wchar) to 3000 and the bug was reproduced saying that the address

referred is the paged pool and it is freed or corrupted.

But when I try to reproduce it again it is just giving access

violation errors.It is not reproducable again.

The dump which I have got and the one which I got from customet sight

are exactly matching.Is that additional sizeof(WCHAR) giving the


I’m following the Rajeev Nagar book.In this book this particular line

is without the sizeof(WCHAR) value added.Can anyone give suggestion

on this?



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