its a little OT but maybe someone has a clue on this isse. When i do a net stop on a bunch of services (one by one) via a cmd batch script, sometimes the net.exe stucks with high cpu usage. Important to know is that it is not always the same service that leads to this issue. Its always another one. Thats the threads stack at that time.
0, ntkrnlpa.exe!KiDeliverApc+0xce
1, hal.dll!HalpDispatchSoftwareInterrupt+0x49
2, hal.dll!HalpCheckForSoftwareInterrupt+0x64
3, hal.dll!HalEndSystemInterrupt+0x73
4, hal.dll!HalpIpiHandler+0x189
5, cmdguard.sys+0x16308
6, cmdguard.sys+0x1d245
7, cmdguard.sys+0xc31c
8, ntkrnlpa.exe!PspExitProcess+0x99
9, ntkrnlpa.exe!PspExitThread+0x574
10, ntkrnlpa.exe!PspTerminateThreadByPointer+0x5b
11, ntkrnlpa.exe!NtTerminateProcess+0x1e0
12, cmdguard.sys+0xfca1
13, ntkrnlpa.exe!KiSystemServicePostCall
14, ntdll.dll!KiFastSystemCallRet
15, ntdll.dll!ZwTerminateProcess+0xc
16, ntdll.dll!RtlExitUserProcess+0x7a
17, kernel32.dll!ExitProcess+0x12
18, msvcrt.dll!__crtExitProcess+0x17
19, msvcrt.dll!_cinit+0xea
20, msvcrt.dll!exit+0x11
21, net.exe+0x1cfc
22, net.exe+0x1e13
23, net.exe+0x1ffd
24, net.exe+0x5fe8
25, net.exe+0x5ed3
26, net.exe+0x6054
27, net.exe+0x4e42
28, kernel32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xe
29, ntdll.dll!__RtlUserThreadStart+0x23
30, ntdll.dll!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x1b
cmdguard.sys is the COMODO Internet Security Sandbox Driver. Disabling it wont change anything.
Anybody any idea how to investigate on this the right way?