One INF file two different bus type devices

Hello Everyone,

Is it possible to have single inf to address two different storage bus type
devices? Of course both are miniport devices.

For example, RAID and SAS

typedef enum _STORAGE_BUS_TYPE {
BusTypeUnknown = 0x00,
BusTypeScsi = 0x1,
BusTypeAtapi = 0x2,
BusTypeAta = 0x3,
BusType1394 = 0x4,
BusTypeSsa = 0x5,
BusTypeFibre = 0x6,
BusTypeUsb = 0x7,
BusTypeRAID = 0x8,
BusTypeiScsi = 0x9,
BusTypeSas = 0xA,
BusTypeSata = 0xB,
BusTypeSd = 0xC,
BusTypeMmc = 0xD,
BusTypeVirtual = 0xE,
BusTypeFileBackedVirtual = 0xF,
BusTypeMax = 0x10,
BusTypeMaxReserved = 0x7F

Thanks in advance,

Rajinikanth Pandurangan wrote:

Hello Everyone,

Is it possible to have single inf to address two different storage bus
type devices? Of course both are miniport devices.

As long as they all have the same Class and ClassGUID in the [Version]
section, you can shove as many devices into a single INF as you want.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.