[NTDEV][WINXP]Cherry bombs, Verifier and XP ...

When I was a kid in the '50s, growing up among the mesquite trees in West
Texas, every summer us kids would look forward to the 4th of July. We’d plan
on how we’d use the firecrackers, that’s what we called fire works, to blow
up this or that, or scare someone. And there was always talk of how to get
the super bango boomer … the atomic bomb … those little round balls of
concentrated destruction. The one’s that rumor said some high school student
used to blow out every toilette in the high school. Oh yeah! A Cherry bomb!

Well one year we got one of those Cherry Bombs. Oh man were we gonna make
some noise. We had it all planned. Yup, we were gonna blow up some
toilettes. Damn straight! Gushers of water would inundate that little town
of Andrews, Texas. We huddled over that white throne, placing the bomb on
the toilette seat … lighting the match … setting it to the fuse …
tipping it … flushing the commode and then running like hell so we
wouldn’t get drowned…

There was no bang … Andrews never recorded the great flood of '56, and we
learned about disappointment, and that lit fuses and water don’t mix.

Disappointment continues into the middle age years when you dutifully
install Whistler, build 2462, to catch some bugs. Yessir … I was gonna
stomp a big gushy one … but the fuse on my cherry bomb hit the water and
fizzled. I told WinDbg to break into the target … went to the command
window … typed in “!verifier 0xf” and watched the fuse go out when
verifier replied

“8017ee20: Unable to get verifier list”

Windows XP, Whistler build 2462
Global flag Pool Tagging enabled
Driver Verifier enabled settings
Special pool
Pool tracking
Force IRQL checking
Deadlock detection

Why can’t verifier find it’s own “verifier list”? There are times
when I hate computers.

(Hey … I could have just gotten on and bitched.)


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