NDISWAN/TAPI differentiating between different channels (Windows -2000)


According to Microsoft KB Problem report Q225669 for Windows 2000:


When you configure a Dial-Up Networking connection or a Demand Dial
Interface to use an ISDN device, you may not be able to distinguish between
the available ISDN channels.

This issue can occur if the ISDN driver does not uniquely identify each ISDN
channel. The list of ISDN channels is reported by RasEnumDevices from the
ISDN device’s driver.

To resolve this issue, contact the vendor of the ISDN device for a more
recent driver that can uniquely identify each ISDN channel.


As you may note for the above KB, they say to contact the vendor, but don’t
give any info on how to fix it if you ARE the vendor…

I have an NDISWAN driver which supports multiple channels like an ISDN
NDISWAN Miniport, and am experiencing this same problem - Does anybody know
where in responding to the NDIS TAPI OIDS one can set an identifier to force
the RASEnumDevices to display a different name for each “channel”

For more detail:

Since porting our driver to Windows 2000, I have been returning
“NdisWanMediumHub” to the OID_WAN_MEDIUM_SUBTYPE, since when you go to RAS
to create a conectoid/pbk and select a device, it displays the much more
generic term “generic” for our device, since setting it to
“NdisWanMediumIsdn” will cause our device to be announced as an ISDN which
we are not. Microsoft’s RAS enumeration does appear to tell the difference
between my channels - After each channel, it shows (Adapter # - Channel #) -
but when I try to enumerate the devices like that, I just get back:

szDeviceType: generic
szDeviceName: WAN Miniport (XWD)

For every enumeration of my channels… (RAS shows the same behavior for the
PPTP and LT2P enumerations, also)

If I change the subtype to ISDN, the type changes to isdn, and the name
changes format (It displays “isdn - WAN Miniport (XWD)” but no mention of
how to differentiate…

I’ve gone through all my responses to the NDIS TAPI OIDS, and made sure that
whenever I had to return an ID or a descriptive string, I return a unique
one, but to no avail…

So if anybody knows what the magic response is to get this to work, I would
be eternally grateful.

Also on a related note to anybody else who has developed multi-channel NDIS
Wan adapters, has anybody noticed that if you specify in a pbk entry to use
one specific channel, and then your connection fails on that channel, the
W2K RAS system appears to then start cycling through other channels of the
same device to see if it can connect on one of them…???..??? This one
really aggrevates us…

Thanx in advance!


John Hester
Techtricity Corporation