I am working on a miniport NDIS4.0 driver under Windows-NT4.0. I have a
problem in the initialization handler routine.
What the routine does is:
- search for my PCI network adapter
- assign resources (i/o, mem and irq) to the adapter.
Sounds familiar huh ? The ‘assign resource’ part goes wrong. The function:
returns NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS. But: the returned structure contains an
interrupt level 0x28 (???). Shouldn’t this be a value between 2 and 15 ?
When I examine the PCI configuration header with the function
NdisReadPciSlotInformation(), I also encounter this value 0x28.
But softice reads an interrupt 0x3 with the ‘pci’ command.
Did anybody encounter high interrupt numbers before ?
Roland Vossen.