NDIS on Windows ME

Hello everybody, I have just started looking at ME (yeah, the
screaming customers :slight_smile: so

Here is what I do know:
– ME DDK mentions that some of the NT5 NDIS drivers are binary
compatible with ME
– There is no network/NDIS documentation in the ME DDK
(except it includes the some of the 98 DDK docs)
– I have tried installing a protocol and an IM driver compiled with
NT5 DDK on ME - doesn’t work

So, this brings the questions:
– has anybody verified that the drivers are actually compatible?
– does ME support NDIS 4.0 or NDIS 5.0?
– what’s about the protocol/intermediate/miniport drivers that work
on NT5 - do then need to be recompiled/changed/rewritten or do they
need a different inf file?

I would appreciate any info or help.

Thanks in advance,

Oleg Smolsky
Software Engineer
Allied Telesyn Research

> ----------

From: Oleg Smolsky[SMTP:xxxxx@alliedtelesyn.co.nz]
Reply To: NT Developers Interest List
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 01:17
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] NDIS on Windows ME

I don’t have answer to your question but can you be more specific in
below point? Just curious.

– I have tried installing a protocol and an IM driver compiled with
NT5 DDK on ME - doesn’t work

What and how doesn’t work? Thanks.

Best regards,

Michal Vodicka
(RKK - Skytale)
[WWW: http://www.veridicom.com , http://www.skytale.com]

Hello Michal,

> – I have tried installing a protocol and an IM driver compiled with
> NT5 DDK on ME - doesn’t work
What and how doesn’t work? Thanks.

– protocol driver:
When I tried adding a network service ME said: “specified location
does not contain information information about your hardware”

– intermediate driver:
Similarly, I tried adding a network service, then ME came up with a
box that displayed the correct driver name. I pressed “OK” but the
box disappeared and I was back to the “select network component
type” dialog. Nothing was installed.

I hope this makes sense :slight_smile:

Anyway, have you managed to install any NDIS network drivers on ME?

Best regards,

Oleg Smolsky
Software Engineer
Allied Telesyn Research

Hi Oleg,

From: Oleg Smolsky[SMTP:xxxxx@alliedtelesyn.co.nz]
Reply To: NT Developers Interest List
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 4:10 AM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] RE: NDIS on Windows ME

Hello Michal,

>> – I have tried installing a protocol and an IM driver compiled
>> NT5 DDK on ME - doesn’t work
> What and how doesn’t work? Thanks.

– protocol driver:
When I tried adding a network service ME said: “specified location
does not contain information information about your hardware”

– intermediate driver:
Similarly, I tried adding a network service, then ME came up with a
box that displayed the correct driver name. I pressed “OK” but the
box disappeared and I was back to the “select network component
type” dialog. Nothing was installed.

I hope this makes sense :slight_smile:

I would guess some incompatibility with INF files. IIRC there is some
chapter in w2k DDK which describes incompatibilities between w2k and w9x
INFs. Maybe it would apply also for wME.

Anyway, have you managed to install any NDIS network drivers on ME?

Not yet. I will have to do it but currently I’m trying to find any other
work which would pospone ME installation :wink:

Best regards,

Michal Vodicka
(RKK - Skytale)
[WWW: http://www.veridicom.com , http://www.skytale.com]