I have mini-filter driver which basically filter browsers file system calls and matches with certain group of file system policies and takes action according policy.
This mechanism work fine but problem is that whenever I add my driver to verifier, browsers start working slow but didn’t crashes at all.
So my question is
Is this browser behavior expected after adding driver to verifier?
Yes, verifier will slow down operations
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From: xxxxx@gmail.commailto:xxxxx
Sent: ?9/?11/?2014 6:27 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest Listmailto:xxxxx
Subject: [ntdev] my driver works slowly if added to verifer
I have mini-filter driver which basically filter browsers file system calls and matches with certain group of file system policies and takes action according policy.
This mechanism work fine but problem is that whenever I add my driver to verifier, browsers start working slow but didn’t crashes at all.
So my question is
Is this browser behavior expected after adding driver to verifier?
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Thanks Doron
Is there any way to find out what really takes time?
xperf works pretty well once you straighten out its symbol fetching.
Mark Roddy
On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 12:30 PM, wrote:
> Thanks Doron
> Is there any way to find out what really takes time?
> thanks
> —
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What verifier settings are you using? Some verifier options are more expensive than others. If needed, you could split it into multiple runs.
Hi Rudy Opavsky,
I am using standard settings.
The DDI compliance checking, deadlock detection and force IRQL checks are known to be expensive. Can you try to disable some of them to see if it helps? You could also split the checks into multiple test runs.