map.ini file not work for dll file?

I use map.ini file for .sys file automatically update from host PC to target PC, which is connected by Windbg.

But I try to use the map.ini file for .dll file, it does not work.

Does this is a normal phenomenon for .dll file, which means that map.ini file only work for .sys file, not for .dll file?

Sorry, what is map.ini?

Maxim S. Shatskih
Microsoft MVP on File System And Storage

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
>I use map.ini file for .sys file automatically update from host PC to target PC, which is connected by Windbg.
> But I try to use the map.ini file for .dll file, it does not work.
> Does this is a normal phenomenon for .dll file, which means that map.ini file only work for .sys file, not for .dll file?

for map.ini file.

@maxim from the context of the post map.ini probably refers to the
file used in .kdfiles (Driver replacement map File)

@op no i dont think kdfiles can be used to replace dlls
kdfiles old path is an exact replica of the path in target computers
SCM Database

i just tried an arbitrary kdfile for a sys and dll
the exe and dll are in c:\ of target
the sys is in c:\ target

my map.ini @ c:\ contains



i run the exe the dll isnt replaced
i use osrloader to load the sys the driver is pulled from host

kd> .kdfiles c:\map.ini
KD file assocations loaded from ‘c:\map.ini’

kd> .kdfiles
KD file assocations loaded from ‘c:\map.ini’
??\C:\punicode.sys -> c:\kdfilepunicode.sys
c:\skeleton.dll -> c:\modskel.dll

kd> g
KD: Accessing ‘c:\kdfilepunicode.sys’ (??\C:\punicode.sys)
File size 5K…
MmLoadSystemImage: Pulled ??\C:\punicode.sys from kd

* This is the string you add to your checkin description
* Driver Verifier: Enabled for p
HERO out all the structs start with a clean slate

the HERO was hexedited from zero and editbin /RELEASE done on the
replacement driver to set checksum

On 11/26/14, Maxim S. Shatskih wrote:
> Sorry, what is map.ini?
> –
> Maxim S. Shatskih
> Microsoft MVP on File System And Storage
> wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
>>I use map.ini file for .sys file automatically update from host PC to
>> target PC, which is connected by Windbg.
>> But I try to use the map.ini file for .dll file, it does not work.
>> Does this is a normal phenomenon for .dll file, which means that map.ini
>> file only work for .sys file, not for .dll file?
> —
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However, Windows XP and later versions of Windows support a simpler method of replacing driver files. You can use this method to replace any kernel-mode driver (including display drivers), any Windows subsystem driver, or any other kernel-mode module.

It seems that it only support kernel mode module.
While my map.ini is for dll(user mode) under dir of system32, it does not take effect.