@maxim from the context of the post map.ini probably refers to the
file used in .kdfiles (Driver replacement map File)
@op no i dont think kdfiles can be used to replace dlls
kdfiles old path is an exact replica of the path in target computers
SCM Database
i just tried an arbitrary kdfile for a sys and dll
the exe and dll are in c:\ of target
the sys is in c:\ target
my map.ini @ c:\ contains
i run the exe the dll isnt replaced
i use osrloader to load the sys the driver is pulled from host
kd> .kdfiles c:\map.ini
KD file assocations loaded from ‘c:\map.ini’
kd> .kdfiles
KD file assocations loaded from ‘c:\map.ini’
??\C:\punicode.sys -> c:\kdfilepunicode.sys
c:\skeleton.dll -> c:\modskel.dll
kd> g
KD: Accessing ‘c:\kdfilepunicode.sys’ (??\C:\punicode.sys)
File size 5K…
MmLoadSystemImage: Pulled ??\C:\punicode.sys from kd
* This is the string you add to your checkin description
* Driver Verifier: Enabled for p
HERO out all the structs start with a clean slate
the HERO was hexedited from zero and editbin /RELEASE done on the
replacement driver to set checksum
On 11/26/14, Maxim S. Shatskih wrote:
> Sorry, what is map.ini?
> –
> Maxim S. Shatskih
> Microsoft MVP on File System And Storage
> xxxxx@storagecraft.com
> http://www.storagecraft.com
> wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
>>I use map.ini file for .sys file automatically update from host PC to
>> target PC, which is connected by Windbg.
>> But I try to use the map.ini file for .dll file, it does not work.
>> Does this is a normal phenomenon for .dll file, which means that map.ini
>> file only work for .sys file, not for .dll file?
> —
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