Kernal Streaming / Direct Show / CSA on Win 2000

Hey all,

Over the past couple of days I have been researching how to implement a WDM
Video Streaming Mini Driver and how it fits into the Direct Show
Architecture. Also how to write a Direct Show Application and Filters.

I have noticed in some of the white papers specific mention of Windows 98,
with no reference to Windows 2000. Is it safe to assume that the WDM Video
Streaming Model / Direct Show Interface is on both Windows 98/Me and Windows
2000 since WDM is a port of an earlier version of the Win2k Driver Model !

Are there any cross platform issues (With Direct Show or WDM Streaming) that
anyone has run into ?



Christopher Pane
Software Engineer

2851 Clover Street
Pittsford, NY 14534
Tel: (716) 248-0510 (Ext 232)
Fax: (716) 248-0537
